Conjugation of draw up the minutes [v.]
-draw up the minutes
Idraw up the minutes
youdraw up the minutes
hedraws up the minutes
wedraw up the minutes
youdraw up the minutes
theydraw up the minutes
Idrew up the minutes
youdrew up the minutes
hedrew up the minutes
wedrew up the minutes
youdrew up the minutes
theydrew up the minutes
Iwilldraw up the minutes
youwilldraw up the minutes
hewilldraw up the minutes
wewilldraw up the minutes
youwilldraw up the minutes
theywilldraw up the minutes
Ihavedrawn up the minutes
youhavedrawn up the minutes
hehasdrawn up the minutes
wehavedrawn up the minutes
youhavedrawn up the minutes
theyhavedrawn up the minutes
-drawing up the minutes
-drawn up the minutes
Words with the same pattern :
draw a comparison between draw up draw water from a well draw a bill on draw a bead on draw blood from draw a blank draw away draw lots draw a parallel between draw near draw up the minutes draw on draw along draw from draw off draw up a plan of draw rein draw level with draw and quarter ... (33 mots)